With the true style, character, and quality of ritual, today we saw Brother George Installed in to the Chair of King Solomon at a well attended meeting in St Albans.

George was Initiated in to the Lodge in November 2016 while studying at the University of Hertfordshire, he has since worked his way up through the offices and today became the 250th(#1) Master of Salisbury, Union and Salisbury Union Lodges, plus the forth student joiner the Lodge has Installed.

Present was the Provincial Grand Master, who is also a member and Past Master of the Lodge, plus members of the Fleet House Light Blues Club, and other visitors.

In addition, one of the longest serving members was presented by the PGM with a 50 years of Masonic Service Certificate. Cecil was actually Initiated on the 1st of January 1971 in Karachi, his 35th birthday. Just a year later Union Lodge were forced to leave Pakistan when Freemasonry was made illegal over there and all Masonic Property was confiscated by the government. This part of the ceremony was concluded when Cecil was proposed and unanimously approved as an Honorary Member of Salisbury Union Lodge.

The meeting finished with a sumptuous Festive Board.
- 250 is an estimation based on the number of years each of the Lodges have been in existence as many of the records from Union Lodge were lost when they were burnt by the Pakistani Government in 1972.